Onnicle Challenge – 2

This next one’s the brainchild of Achyut Nayak, one of the most twisted minds from the Onamography creative team. Legend has it that the first word to come out of his mouth as a kid was – floccinaucinihilipilification. Later on he moved to the regular vocab…ma-ma, pa-pa etc.

OnniClue: The onnicle below hides the names of 10 Nobel prize winners in literature.

All Simple, no Tricky ones (Check out the FAQ to find out what that means). Internet usage is allowed, and encouraged. If you can identify all of them, submit your answer as a comment to this post. Alternatively, send an email with the list of names to:
onnicles [at] gmail [dot] com

Onnicle 2:
Samuel Cortez invented the first Naval long gun. His prototypes would burst into flames and the fire would char old Sam’s eyebrows leaving the ship in terrible shape. On receiving a telegram from the king of Spain he mounted his new invention on his ship and joined an armada to the Pacific. The sight of the Gun terrified the natives of the grasslands and Sam the conquistador island hopped his way across the Isles single handledly enslaving everyone over 50. Later realizing that the telegram had meant “Gold” not “Old”, he undertook another voyage to return the elders to the natives and rob them of their gold.

On his death bed he called in his son Albert to light candles and read from the Gideons Bible. “Son”, he said “I now realize how ill I am”. His obsession with refining gold ingots had taken a toll on his health. He had tried everything from melting them down to sending them to Europes finest finishing schools.

After his death, Albert ran downtown’s only bar ‘Citrus’, selling drinks to broadway actors. Even during the depression the Cortez family lead a lavish lifestype. A typical dinner consisted of Lobster Thermidor, hand picked truffles, smoked spam ukranian style, soup made from weaver nests and braised bear-claws done traditionally in the Ming way of cooking. He drank vodka and tonic and drove a classic white morris on weekends.

His son Sam Jr, ashamed of the family’s past, became an artist and drew oleanders and lilacs on greeting cards. These cards used rice paper and soy ink and were edible.

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Onnicles is a name game.

12 thoughts on “Onnicle Challenge – 2”

  1. Samuel Cortez invented the first Naval long gun. His prototypes would burst into flames and the fire would cHAR OLD Sam's eyebrows leaving the shiP IN TERrible shape. On receiving a telegram from the king of Spain he mounted his new invention on his ship and joined an armada to the Pacific. The sight of the GUN TERrified the natives of the GRASSlands and Sam the conquistaDOR ISland hopped his way across the IsLES SINGle handledly enslaving everyone over 50. Later realizing that the telegram had meant "Gold" not "Old", he undertook another voyage to return the elders to the natives and rob them of their gold.

    On his death bed he called in his son Albert to light candles AND REad from the GIDEons Bible. "Son", he said "I now realize hoW ILL I AM". His obsession with refining GOLD INGots had taken a toll on his health. He had tried everything from melting them down to sending them to Europes finest finishing schools.

    After his death, AlBERT RAN Downtown's only bar 'CitRUS', SELling drinks to broadway actors. Even during the depression the Cortez family lead a lavish lifestype. A typical dinner consisted of Lobster ThermidOR, HANd picked truffles, smoked sPAM UKranian style, soup made from weavER NESTs and braised bear-claws done traditionally in tHE MING WAY of cooking. He drank vodka and TONIc and drove a classic white MORRIS ON weekends.

    His son Sam Jr, ashamed of the family's past, became an artist and dreW OLEanders and lilacs on greeting cards. These cards used rice paper and SOY INK And were edible.

    Harold Pinter
    Gunter Grass
    Dorsi Lessing
    William Golding
    Andre Gide
    Bertrand Russel
    Toni Morrison
    Ernest Hemingway
    Wole Soyinka

    Saw this challenge now, posting the first nine easiest ones, will post the 10th name soon…

  2. Ooops, I had missed Orhan Pamuk's name in the seperate list and thought I had to find another name to finish it. This is it.

    Samuel Cortez invented the first Naval long gun. His prototypes would burst into flames and the fire would cHAR OLD Sam's eyebrows leaving the shiP IN TERrible shape. On receiving a telegram from the king of Spain he mounted his new invention on his ship and joined an armada to the Pacific. The sight of the GUN TERrified the natives of the GRASSlands and Sam the conquistaDOR ISland hopped his way across the IsLES SINGle handledly enslaving everyone over 50. Later realizing that the telegram had meant "Gold" not "Old", he undertook another voyage to return the elders to the natives and rob them of their gold.

    On his death bed he called in his son Albert to light candles AND REad from the GIDEons Bible. "Son", he said "I now realize hoW ILL I AM". His obsession with refining GOLD INGots had taken a toll on his health. He had tried everything from melting them down to sending them to Europes finest finishing schools.

    After his death, AlBERT RAN Downtown's only bar 'CitRUS', SELling drinks to broadway actors. Even during the depression the Cortez family lead a lavish lifestype. A typical dinner consisted of Lobster ThermidOR, HANd picked truffles, smoked sPAM UKranian style, soup made from weavER NESTs and braised bear-claws done traditionally in tHE MING WAY of cooking. He drank vodka and TONIc and drove a classic white MORRIS ON weekends.

    His son Sam Jr, ashamed of the family's past, became an artist and dreW OLEanders and lilacs on greeting cards. These cards used rice paper and SOY INK And were edible.

    Harold Pinter
    Gunter Grass
    Dorsi Lessing
    Andre Gide
    William Golding
    Bertrand Russel
    Orhan Pamuk
    Ernest Hemingway
    Toni Morrison
    Wole Soyinka

  3. Samuel – Samuel Beckett
    Albert – Albert Camus
    the Ming way – Ernest Hemingway
    spam ukranian – Orhan Pamuk
    morris on – Toni Morrison
    White – Patrick White
    gold ingots – William Golding
    Gun terrified – Günter Grass
    conquistador island – Doris Lessing
    ship in terrible – Harold Pinter

  4. Orhan Pamuk
    Harold Pinter
    Ernest Hemingway
    William Golding
    Günter Grass
    Doris Lessing
    Toni Morrison
    Bertrand Russell
    Wole Soyinka
    Andre Gide

    Avinash Jhunjhunwala

  5. Samuel Cortez invented the first Naval long gun. His prototypes would burst into flames and the fire would cHAR OLD Sam's eyebrows leaving the shiP IN TERrible shape. On receiving a telegram from the king of Spain he mounted his new invention on his ship and joined an armada to the Pacific. The sight of the GUN TERrified
    the natives of the GRASSlands and Sam the conquistaDORIS island hopped his way across the IsLES SINGle handledly enslaving
    everyone over 50. Later realizing that the telegram had meant "Gold" not "Old", he undertook another voyage to return the elders to the natives and rob them of their gold.

    On his death bed he called in his son Albert to light candles AND REad from the GIDEons Bible."Son", he said "I now realize hoW ILL I AM". His obsession with refining GOLD INGots had taken a toll on his health. He had tried everything
    from melting them down to sending them to Europes finest finishing schools.

    After his death, AlBERT RAN Downtown's only bar 'CitRUS', SELLing drinks to broadway actors. Even during the depression the Cortez family lead a lavish lifestype. A typical dinner consisted of Lobster ThermidOR, HANd picked truffles,smoked sPAM UKranian style, soup made from weavER NESTs and braised bear-claws done traditionally in tHE MING WAY of cooking. He drank vodka and TONIc and drove a classic white MORRIS ON weekends.

    His son Sam Jr, ashamed of the family's past, became an artist and dreW OLEanders and lilacs on greeting cards.These cards used rice paper and SOY INK And were edible.

    Doris Lessing
    Gunter Grass
    Orhan Pamuk
    Harold Pinter
    Toni Morrison
    Wole Soyinka
    William Golding
    Ernest Hemingway
    Bertrand Russell
    Andre Gide

  6. andre gide
    harold pinter
    bertrand russell
    doris lessing
    wole soyinka
    toni morrison
    william golding
    ernest hemingway
    gunter grass
    orhan pamuk

  7. These are the ones i could find.

    Doris Lessing
    Orhan Pamuk
    Harold Pinter
    Gunter Grass
    Toni Morison
    Wole Soyinka
    William Golding
    Ernest Hemingway
    Bertrand Russell
    Andre Gide

  8. Harold Pinter
    Gunter Grass
    Doris Lessing
    Andre Gide
    William Golding
    Bertrand Russell
    Orhan Pamuk
    Ernest Hemingway
    Toni Morrison
    Wole Soyinka


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