On the Web

Online Onnicle Communities

Word games, brainteasers and puzzles have always been very popular on the internet. But for several years, Onamography was pretty much a private affair. Onnicles were created and shared among a small set of people. Things changed after the Herald Sun newspaper in Australia published it and got the concept to a bigger audience. Since then there has been more activity on the web. Here’s a listing of a select few places where you can find Onnicles.

Social Media

This is where all the individual onnicles get created and published. Each month, we take all the onnicles from Facebook for the previous month and create a summary post on this blog. If you’d like to be the first one to take a crack at the latest onnicle, ‘like’ Onnicles on Facebook.

We started this recently. Each new onnicle that gets created on Facebook gets posted here. If you prefer not having the answer revealed before you’ve had a chance to try it out, then follow Onnicles on Twitter

Discussion Forums

Pagalguy Forums
The biggest portal for MBA aspirants, plays host to a discussion thread dedicated to Onnicles.

Wordsmith.org Forums
Wordsmith.org is the home of the immensely popular ‘A Word A Day’. Apart from the vocabulary building newsletters that get sent out to about a million subscribers each day, the website also hosts a discussion forum where a variety of word related discussions and games are discussed. Here’s the Onnicle thread on Wordsmith.org

Onnicle References on the Web

Apart from regular folks, it’s encouraging to see Linguists having fun with the concept as well.

Check out the onnicle that James Davis has created. Don’t you think it belongs on this site?
James say – It’s a fun puzzle game. It’s especially fun as both the creation and solution process are puzzles, which gives it a nice feel, in my opinion.

James, all the best for your Ph.D. You’ve got the entire Onamography community wishing you good luck.
(Note: James’ site aluggageexitinsits.net has been re-designed and the earlier content has been taken out)

Here’s another post by Laura Payne called – The Chronicles of Onnicles.
She calls it ‘a stimulating new concept in word puzzles‘. She says – I think the best way to describe Onnicles is that they are a cross between a word search puzzle, Scrabble and Jeopardy; so if you like any or all of these games give an Onnicle a try.

Thanks for the kind words, Laura.

Check out this puzzle website where dalfamnest (an Education Officer from Brunei) has been posting Onnicles. A few samples here and here.

If you come across any other sites (including your own) where we’ve been talked about, drop us a note and we’ll include it in this post.