Onnicle Challenge – 1


The following onnicle has 10 leading Indian IT company names embedded in it.

If you can identify all of them, submit your answer as a comment to this post. Alternatively, send an email with the list of names to:onnicles [at] gmail [dot] com

Onnicle 1:
Please show IPR (or Intellectual Property Rights) related awareness as you read this.
Remember how your granny gave ya advice, spat Nilgiri drops at ya (morning and evening), just to help you cope with your cold. She emphasised the importance of being fit at an age where medical dependency is the norm. Be the local interpol, aristocratic readers and spread this info systematically across your network.
According to you, if lexicon assassination isn’t cool and you think this is lame, accept my apologies. But if you think this concept rocks, send across your comments saying, “Ekdum mast! Ek aur please” and I’d be glad to oblige.

Announced in the next post.

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12 thoughts on “Onnicle Challenge – 1”

  1. Wipro

    Please shoW IPR (Or Intellectual Property Rights) related awareness as you read this.
    Remember how your granny gave ya advice, sPAT NIlgiri dropS AT YA (Morning and evening), just to help you cope witH your CoLd. She eMPHASISed the importance of being fiT AT An age where medical dependency is the norm. Be the local interPOL, ARIStocratic readers and spread this INFO SYStematically across your network.
    According to you, IF LEXicon assassination isn't cool and you think this is lame, accept my apologies. But if you think this concept rocks, send across your comments saying, "Ekdum MAST! EK aur please" and I'd be glad to oblige.

  2. I could find only 9:

    show IPR (or – Wipro
    spat nilgiri – Patni
    drops at ya (morning – Satyam
    emphasised – Mphasis
    fit at an – Tata
    interpol, aristocratic – Polaris
    info systematically – Infosys
    if lexicon – I-flex
    mast! Ek – Mastek

    Consolation prize milega kya? :]

  3. Responses have been pouring in. Many have managed to discover 9 names.

    Others have reached 10, but the names are incorrect (please read the clue again – Indian IT companies).

    So the race is still on.

  4. Another hint:

    They are all Simple onnicles , not Tricky ones.

    So the company name is not broken up with superfluous characters.

  5. Please shoW IPR (or Intellectual PROperty Rights) related awarenessm as you read this.
    Remember how your granny gave ya advice, sPAT NIlgiri dropS AT YA (Morning and evening), just to help you cope with your cold. She eMPHASISed the importance of being fiT AT An age where medical dependency is the norm. Be the local interPOL, ARIStocratic readers and spread this INFO SYStematically across your network.According to you, IF LEXicon asSASsination isn't cool and you think this is lame, accept my apologies.But if you think this concept rocks, send across your comments saying, "Ekdum MAST! EK aur please" and I'd be glad to oblige.

    I've listed them in the order in which I found them in the Onnicle.

    SAS( SAS Institute India)

  6. hey samir.. This is really intersting..am just not able to find the 10th one..
    Wipro, mphasis, polaris, infosys, satyam,iflex, mastek, patni, tata..


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